Light for the Path
Lisa is available by appointment for regular sessions, in person or virtually.
Spiritual direction is a gentle form of listening and spiritual companionship. (Think of “direction” as “helping you find your direction,” rather than “directing.”)
Unlike counseling, which can be focused on problems and solutions, spiritual direction is about paying close attention to the movement of Spirit (God/Goddess, Jesus/Christ, the Ultimate, the Universe, the Holy Other) in one’s life.
Having a witness to one’s stories often helps someone feel seen, heard, and met in a way that leads to deeper clarity and insight. Discernment, challenge, questions, and spiritual growth are common themes. -
Lisa is comfortable using the language of faith that feels most natural for you—including discovering more about what that language is and how it expresses your experience.
A typical session of spiritual direction begins with several moments of quiet reflection, which can help director, directee, and the Holy Other to settle into their time together. Either directee or director may pray aloud to focus their intention. Out of that preparation time, the directee may then share whatever is on their mind and heart—which might be a wondering, an experience, a symbol, a challenge, a series of coincidences, or anything else that feels significant.
The spiritual director’s role is to hold space for or to listen with you as you sort through and reflect on these themes of significance. Part of that work of listening with is noticing.
A spiritual director might observe, for example, “I notice a real shift in your energy when you talk about ____. How do your heart and body feel about that?” A session often concludes with another period of reflective quiet and, if desired, a spoken prayer of gratitude, awareness, or hope for the future.
Sessions can take place in person, by video conference, or by phone.
Sessions are about an hour long, typically once a month.
The recommended sliding-scale fee is three hours at your own pay rate. (For example, if you earn $20/hour, the fee would be $60/session.) This honors the time that Lisa has invested in training and practice, as well as the time she spends preparing for and reflecting after sessions.
Please contact Lisa directly if this scale is cost-prohibitive.